谷歌承诺销毁 Chrome「无痕浏览」数据

据华尔街日报,谷歌计划销毁一大批反映大量用户网页浏览历史的数据,这是该公司对一项用户诉讼提供的和解方案。一项始于 2020 年的集体诉讼指控谷歌的 Chrome 浏览器在跟踪使用 Incognito 无痕浏览选项的用户活动方面误导用户。该诉讼指控谷歌没有恰当告知用户收集数据的种类,包括用户浏览的网站详情。根据本周公布的法院公告,谷歌同意销毁诉讼中被控不当收集的数十亿个数据点,更新有关其在无痕浏览中所收集信息的披露,并给予用户在该设置中禁用第三方 cookie 的选项。该协议不包括对个人用户的损害赔偿。但和解协议将允许个人提出索赔。原告律师已向加州法院提起了 50 起索赔诉讼。

Google plans to destroy a large amount of data reflecting the web browsing history of numerous users as part of a settlement proposal in response to a user lawsuit. The class-action lawsuit, initiated in 2020, accused Google’s Chrome browser of misleading users regarding the tracking of their activities when using the Incognito private browsing option. The lawsuit alleged that Google failed to properly inform users about the types of data collected, including details of websites visited by users. According to a court notice released this week, Google has agreed to destroy billions of data points that were allegedly collected improperly during the lawsuit, update disclosures regarding the information collected during incognito browsing, and provide users with the option to disable third-party cookies in that setting. The agreement does not include damages for individual users, but it allows individuals to file claims. Plaintiffs’ lawyers have filed 50 claim lawsuits in California courts.



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