微软公司称将于今年 5 月 14 日终止对 .NET 7 的支持,.NET 7 发布于 2022 年,提供 18 个月的支持。届时,使用 .NET 7 的应用程序将继续工作,但无法再获得技术支持。该公司建议用户升级到 .NET 8 。用户还可以使用 .NET 6,这是一个 lts 版本,就像版本 8 一样。 Visual Studio 至少需要 .NET 8 。.NET 8 是一个长期支持版本,微软将持续提供支持到 2026 年 11 月。
Microsoft has announced that it will end support for .NET 7 on May 14th of this year. The company recommends users to upgrade to .NET 8. Alternatively, users can also opt for .NET 6, which is an LTS (Long-Term Support) version, similar to version 8. Visual Studio requires at least .NET 8. Applications using .NET 7 will continue to function, but they will no longer receive technical support. .NET 7 was released in 2022 and provided 18 months of support. .NET 8 is a long-term support version, and Microsoft will continue to provide support until November 2026.