Brave 浏览器不再强制安装其 VPN 服务

软餐获悉,Brave 浏览器的最新版本(Brave 1.64.109)不再强制安装其 VPN 服务 Brave VPN。去年 10 月,有用户发现 Brave 浏览器在未经许可的情况下就在 Windows PC 上安装了该 VPN 软件。安装后,Brave VPN 会一直处于休眠模式,直到用户订阅该服务。当时 Brave 声称在休眠模式下该软件不会发送任何数据。在最新版本中,未订阅 VPN 服务的用户更新后,VPN 软件(Brave VPN 和 Brave Wireguard)将被删除。

The latest version of the Brave browser (Brave 1.64.109) no longer forcefully installs its VPN service, Brave VPN. Last October, users discovered that Brave browser was installing the VPN software on Windows PCs without user consent. Once installed, Brave VPN remained in dormant mode until the user subscribed to the service. At the time, Brave claimed that the software wouldn’t send any data while in the dormant mode. In the latest released version, users who haven’t subscribed to the VPN service will have the VPN software (Brave VPN and Brave Wireguard) removed after updating.

Brave 浏览器不再强制安装其VPN 服务
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