苹果希望将百度 AI 引入苹果设备

知情人士说,苹果已与百度公司初步会谈,苹果希望在中国销售的苹果设备中使用百度的生成式人工智能 (AI) 技术。这是苹果在与 Google 讨论为 iPhone 引入 Gemini 后的又一动作。而该消息也意味着,iPhone 中植入的人工智能将至少有两个版本,中国用户将拥有单独的 “百度版”。百度公司目前正在集中力量研发其生成式 AI 模型 “文心一言”(Ernie Bot)。

According to insiders, Apple has entered preliminary talks with Baidu, expressing their interest in incorporating Baidu’s generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology into Apple devices sold in China. This move comes as Apple continues discussions with Google regarding the introduction of Gemini to the iPhone. The news also implies that there will be at least two versions of AI embedded in iPhones, with Chinese users having their own separate “Baidu edition.” Baidu is currently focusing its efforts on developing its generative AI model called “Ernie Bot.”



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