雷军今天发推:“我们身着新的工厂制服,正为小米 SU7 做国内发布的准备。迫不及待地想要揭示我们一直在努力研发的成果!” 并附上了一张他身穿小米汽车工服的照片。小米 SU7 是小米汽车首款产品。雷军在 X(Twitter)上拥有 20 万关注者,他在该平台上表现比较活跃,多次发文推介小米 14 Ultra 和小米汽车等产品。小米此前刚刚发布了 2023 年第四季度财报,小米 2023 年全年实现净利润人民币 174.8 亿元,与 2022 年的人民币 24.7 亿元相比大幅增长。
Lei Jun tweeted today, “We are dressed in new factory uniforms, preparing for the domestic launch of Xiaomi SU7. Can’t wait to unveil the results of our long-term research and development efforts!” He attached a photo of himself wearing Xiaomi Automotive Factory uniform, with a workshop in the background. Xiaomi SU7 is Xiaomi’s first automotive product. Lei Jun has 200,000 followers on Twitter and is quite active on the platform, frequently promoting products such as Xiaomi 14 Ultra and Xiaomi Automotive. Xiaomi recently released its Q4 2023 financial report, achieving a net profit of RMB 17.48 billion for the full year of 2023, a significant increase compared to RMB 2.47 billion in 2022.