Proton Mail 正式发布 Windows 和 macOS 客户端

软餐获悉,瑞士加密邮箱软件厂商 Proton 宣布全面推出其适用于 Windows 和 macOS 的 Proton Mail 桌面客户端。这两个客户端于去年底开始测试,现已正式发布。不过,该客户端仅适用于已注册 Mail+ 或 Unlimited 付费计划的订阅用户,免费计划用户仅能免费试用 14 天。与此同时,Proton 称其 Linux 电子邮件客户端已处于测试阶段。用户可从官网下载到 Ubuntu/Debian 和 Fedora/RHEL 的安装文件。

Swiss encrypted email software provider Proton has announced the full release of its Proton Mail desktop client for Windows and macOS. These two clients have been under testing since the end of last year and are now officially launched. However, the client is only available to subscribed users with Mail+ or Unlimited paid plans, while free plan users can only enjoy a 14-day free trial. Meanwhile, Proton has stated that its Linux email client is currently in the testing phase. Users can download the installation files for Ubuntu/Debian and Fedora/RHEL from the official website.

Proton Mail正式发布Windows 和 macOS客户端


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