脸书系服务大规模故障,Telegram 收获数百万新用户

Telegram 似乎成 Instagram 和 Facebook 近日大规模故障的赢家——Telegram 创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫(Pavel Durov)称,在这些服务暂时无法使用的一个小时里,数百万人注册了 Telegram。他宣称,Telegram 消耗的基础设施投入远低于 Meta,其全职员工数量也大约少了 1000 倍,但 Telegram 拥有更好的稳定性,且能更快地推出新功能和创新。他还宣称,2023 年,Telegram 的不可用时间仅为 9 分钟,全年正常运行时间达到了 99.9983%。

Telegram appears to be the winner of the massive outage experienced by Instagram and Facebook yesterday. Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, stated that millions of people signed up for Telegram during the one-hour period when these services were temporarily unavailable. He claimed that Telegram requires significantly less infrastructure investment compared to Meta, and their number of full-time employees is approximately 1000 times fewer. Yet, Telegram boasts better stability and the ability to launch new features and innovations at a faster pace. He further stated that in 2023, Telegram experienced only 9 minutes of downtime, resulting in an impressive 99.9983% uptime for the entire year.



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