德国公司将上线 iOS 第三方应用商店 App Marketplace

德国数字服务提供商 Mobivention 宣布,将于 3 月 7 日在欧盟推出名为 App Marketplace 的 iOS 第三方应用商店。这也是欧盟数字市场法案(DMA)正式生效的前一天。本周晚些时候,苹果将发布 iOS 17.4 。应 DMA 的要求,此更新将使欧盟用户能够在 App Store 之外下载 iOS 应用程序。 Mobivention 将成为欧盟首家提供此类替代应用商店的公司。该公司称,App Marketplace 具有 “简化的规则、替代计费模式、较低的应用内购买收入份额以及集成替代支付解决方案的可能性” 。该公司补充说,他们直接与苹果合作,以确保遵守苹果的指导方针。除了 Mobivention,MacPaw 和 Epic Games 也在开发适用于欧洲市场的自有应用商店。

German digital service provider Mobivention has announced the launch of an alternative iOS third-party app store called App Marketplace in the European Union on March 7th. This comes a day before the official enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Later this week, Apple will release iOS 17.4, which, in compliance with the DMA, will allow EU users to download iOS applications from sources other than the App Store. Mobivention will be the first company in the EU to offer such an alternative app store. According to the company, the App Marketplace will feature “simplified rules, alternative billing models, a lower revenue share for in-app purchases, and the possibility to integrate alternative payment solutions.” They also stated that they have collaborated directly with Apple to ensure compliance with the company’s guidelines. In addition to Mobivention, MacPaw and Epic Games are also developing their own app stores for the European market.

Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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