Spotify 等 34 家公司致信欧盟控诉苹果 App Store 政策

Spotify 和 Epic Games 等公司联合向欧盟委员会发信,公开批评苹果的 App Store 政策。在这封信中,共有 34 家应用开发者表达了他们对苹果新的 App Store 政策的担忧。其他签署这封信的公司还包括 Proton、Mustang、音乐流媒体服务 Deezer 和 等。他们认为苹果的政策不符合欧盟数字市场法规(Digital Markets Act,DMA)。例如,如果 iOS 应用程序的下载量超过一百万次,开发者需要支付每次安装 50 美分的费用。信中指出,这种费用的设定是 “旨在维持甚至加强苹果对应用用户的主导地位的剥削”。这些公司还声称,根据 DMA 的规定,苹果被要求允许侧载(sideloading),但实际情况并非如此。在新的条件下,安装和使用替代应用商店对开发者来说是 “困难、有风险且在财务上不具吸引力”。这 34 家公司称欧盟委员会对苹果提案的回应是 DMA 的 “试金石”。他们敦促欧盟对其政策迅速采取行动。

Spotify, Epic Games, and other companies have jointly written a letter to the European Commission, publicly criticizing Apple’s App Store policies. In this letter, a total of 34 app developers expressed their concerns regarding Apple’s new App Store policies. Other companies that have signed the letter include Proton, Mustang, music streaming service Deezer, and, among others. They believe that Apple’s policies do not comply with the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). For instance, if an iOS app exceeds one million downloads, developers are required to pay a fee of 50 cents per installation. The letter states that this fee structure is “designed to maintain and even strengthen Apple’s exploitation of its dominance over app users.” The companies also claim that the DMA mandates Apple to allow sideloading, but under the new rules, this is not truly the case. In the new conditions, installing and using alternative app stores is “difficult, risky, and financially unattractive for developers.” These 34 companies consider the European Commission’s response to Apple’s proposal as the “litmus test” for the DMA and urge the European Union to take prompt action concerning Apple’s policies.

Spotify等34家公司致信欧盟控诉苹果App Store政策


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