随着 2 月 29 日的到来,新西兰的自助加油站软件系统无法处理该日期,导致自助加油服务瘫痪。Z Energy、Allied Petroleum 和 Gull 的加油站都受到了这个错误的影响。Gull 的发言人称问题出在由 Inveco Group 提供的支付软件上。该软件似乎无法处理 2 月 29 日这个每四年出现一次的日期,今年也是如此。好在该问题仅影响自助加油服务,那些有收银员人工收款的加油站不受影响。软件服务商 Inveco Group 称该问题只在为新西兰设计的代码中出现,它将得到修复。
With the arrival of February 29th, the self-service fuel stations in New Zealand experienced a software system failure, resulting in the disruption of self-service refueling. Fuel stations operated by Z Energy, Allied Petroleum, and Gull were affected by this error. A spokesperson for Gull attributed the problem to the payment software provided by Inveco Group. It appears that the software was unable to handle the date of February 29th, which occurs once every four years, including this year. Fortunately, this issue only impacted self-service refueling, and manned fuel stations that accept payments from cashiers remained unaffected. The software provider, Inveco Group, stated that this problem was specific to the code designed for New Zealand and will be addressed.