社区网站 Reddit 再次申请上市

Reddit 已向美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 提交了 IPO 申请。该公司表示,一些最受欢迎的用户将能够参与投资。据悉,Reddit 将允许符合条件的用户通过定向股票计划购买股票。首批符合条件的用户是拥有至少 5000 个 “模组操作” 的模组或拥有至少 200,000 个卡玛点的用户。Reddit 目前 98% 的收入来自广告。未来它希望通过平台交易和内容授权获得更多收入。Reddit 将允许艺术家为用户设计付费头像,并允许用户在 subreddits 如 /r/photoshoprequest 上付费请求图像编辑。Reddit 将其内容授权给 AI 公司用于训练人工智能模型。本周早些时候,该公司宣布与 Google 达成了一项许可协议。Reddit 去曾尝试在 2021 年上市,但因市场状况不佳而取消。该公司尚未盈利,2023 年年收入为 8.04 亿美元,净亏损 9080 万美元。去年 12 月,该网站拥有 7600 万日活跃用户。

Social media platform Reddit has submitted an IPO application to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The company states that some of its most popular users will have the opportunity to participate in the investment. It is reported that Reddit will allow eligible users to purchase stocks through a directed share program. The initial group of eligible users includes moderators with at least 5,000 “mod actions” or users with at least 200,000 Karma points. Currently, 98% of Reddit’s revenue comes from advertising. In the future, the company hopes to generate more revenue through platform transactions and content licensing. Reddit will allow artists to design paid avatars for users and enable users to make paid requests for image editing on subreddits like /r/photoshoprequest. Reddit will also license its content to AI companies for training artificial intelligence models. Earlier this week, the company announced a licensing agreement with Google. Reddit previously attempted to go public in 2021 but canceled its plans due to unfavorable market conditions. The company has yet to be profitable, with a revenue of $804 million and a net loss of $90.8 million in 2023. As of December last year, the website had 76 million daily active users.

社区网站Reddit 再次申请上市


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