软餐获悉,臭名昭著的勒索软件组织 LockBit 携全新网站重返网络,并宣称将继续对受害者进行攻击。该组织表示,上周对警方的攻击之所以成功,是由于一台 PHP 服务器未及时更新导致漏洞,据悉攻击者利用了 CVE-2023-3824 漏洞。该组织还表示,将更频繁地攻击政府机构,以此向警方发起挑战,看看他们是否能够破解其勒索软件。上周,欧洲刑警组织、英国国家犯罪局和美国联邦调查局宣布,他们已经接管了 LockBit 的网站。 LockBit 于去年底曾攻击中国工商银行美国子公司,去年 7 月曾攻击台积电。
The notorious ransomware group LockBit has returned to the internet with a new website and claims it will continue to attack victims. The group said its attack on police last week was successful due to a vulnerability in an outdated PHP server, which was reportedly exploited using the CVE-2023-3824 vulnerability. The group also said it will attack government agencies more frequently to challenge the police to see if they can crack its ransomware. Last week, Europol, the UK National Crime Agency and the US FBI announced that they had taken over LockBit’s website. LockBit attacked the US subsidiary of China Construction Bank late last year and TSMC in July last year.