WhatsApp 新功能:消息可格式化为列表、代码和引用块


WhatsApp 现在可以使文本格式化为引用块(block quotes)或代码。用户还可以创建列表。WhatsApp 推出了几种新的格式选项。具体包括:

  • 两种类型的列表,其中一种是带有项目符号的列表,另一种是带有编号的列表。用户可以通过在文本前添加 “-” 或 “1.” 来对这些列表进行格式化。
  • 用户可通过在消息前面添加 “>” 来将文本格式化为引用块,类似于大多数富文本编辑器的方式。
  • 用户可通过将文本放在 “ 之间来将其格式化为内联代码。


WhatsApp now allows users to format text as block quotes or code. Users can also create lists. WhatsApp has introduced several new formatting options, including:

  • Two types of lists: one with bullet points and another with numbered items. Users can format these lists by adding “-” or “1.” before the text.
  • Text can be formatted as block quotes by adding “>” before the message, similar to most rich text editors.
  • Text can be formatted as inline code by enclosing it between backticks (`).

These new formatting options are available alongside bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace font formats.

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