

消息称阿里巴巴创始人马云的妻子张瑛耗资 4500 万至 5000 万新加坡元(约合人民币 2.4-2.67 亿元),在新加坡购入房产。这些房产为位于达士敦路 (Duxton Road) 三栋相邻的店屋,占地总面积为 3239 平方英尺,总楼面面积为 1 万零 700 平方英尺。各栋店屋都是楼高三层,外加有阁楼空间。消息人士说,马云家族可能把这些店屋用作招待朋友和同事的私人会所,或用于出租。已成为新加坡公民的张瑛于 1 月 5 日成为 Duxton 1 Holdings Pte 、 72 Duxton Pte 和 Duxton Victory Pte 的董事,这三家公司拥有市中心热门餐饮场所达士敦路的这些店屋。

According to reports, Zhang Ying, the wife of Alibaba founder Jack Ma, has spent between SGD 45 million and SGD 50 million to purchase three properties in Singapore. These properties consist of three adjacent shophouses located on Duxton Road, with a total land area of 3,239 square feet and a total built-up area of 10,700 square feet. Each shophouse comprises three floors and includes an attic space. Sources suggest that the Ma family may use these shophouses as a private club to entertain friends and colleagues or consider renting them out. Zhang Ying, who has become a Singapore citizen, became a director of Duxton 1 Holdings Pte, 72 Duxton Pte, and Duxton Victory Pte on January 5th. These three companies own the shophouses on Duxton Road, a popular dining destination in the city center of Singapore.



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