苹果 Vision Pro 曝重大疏漏:忘记密码需重置设备

购买了苹果混合现实头显 Apple Vision Pro 的用户发现,如果忘记了该头显的密码,他们将不得不把设备送回苹果商店或运回苹果,才能重置密码。这里说的密码并非 Apple ID 电子邮箱和密码,而是实际访问 Vision Pro 时需要输入的一组数字。消费者必须牢记这组密码,一旦忘记,头显需要完全恢复出厂设置,用户需要重新下载应用程序并重新设置 Vision Pro 。据悉,大量相关的抱怨已经涌入苹果的客户支持部门,服务人员为没有做好应对而致歉。苹果公司尚未就此问题进行回应。

Users who have purchased the Apple mixed reality headset, Apple Vision Pro, have discovered that if they forget the password for the headset, they will have to send the device back to an Apple store or ship it to Apple to have the password reset. The password referred to here is not the Apple ID email and password but a set of numbers required to access the Vision Pro itself. Consumers must remember this password, as forgetting it would require a complete factory reset of the headset, leading users to have to re-download applications and reconfigure the Vision Pro. Numerous complaints regarding this issue have reportedly flooded Apple’s customer support department, and Apple has apologized for not being adequately prepared to address the problem. The company has not yet responded to this issue.



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