OnePlus 首席运营官:若硬件跟不上,没必要延长更新时间

OnePlus 首席运营官 Kinder Liu 暗示,如果智能手机的硬件无法跟上,那么七年的 Android 更新并非必要。最近发布的旗舰新机 OnePlus 12 将获得四年的操作系统升级和五年的安全更新。 Liu 表示:“简单地延长软件更新的时间会偏离初衷。用户体验的流畅性也很重要。” 作为对比,三星承诺为 Galaxy S24 系列提供七年的软件和安全更新,而谷歌为 Pixel 8 系列做出了相同的承诺。

OnePlus Chief Operating Officer Kinder Liu suggests that seven years of Android updates are unnecessary if the smartphone hardware cannot keep up. The recently released flagship OnePlus 12 will receive four years of operating system upgrades and five years of security updates. Liu stated, “Simply extending the software update timeframe would miss the point. User experience fluidity is also important.” In comparison, Samsung has promised seven years of software and security updates for the Galaxy S24 series, while Google has made the same commitment for the Pixel 8 series.



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