iOS 17.4 公测版终于带来了应用侧载

软餐获悉,苹果公司发布了 iOS 17.4 和 iPadOS 17.4 的首个公开测试版。该版本的重大变化是苹果应欧盟《数字市场法案》(DMA)的要求,为 iOS 引入了应用程序侧载能力,以及 Apple Pay 之外的替代支付选项。不过这仅适用于欧盟用户。其他新增功能包括新的表情符号、播客的转录、对 Xbox Cloud Gaming 等游戏流媒体应用程序的支持,以及下一代 CarPlay 的更新。

Apple has released the first public beta of iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4. The significant change in this version is the introduction of app sideloading capability for iOS, as well as alternative payment options beyond Apple Pay, in compliance with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). However, these changes are limited to EU users only. Other new features include new emojis, podcast transcriptions, support for gaming streaming applications like Xbox Cloud Gaming, and updates to the next-generation CarPlay.



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