TikTok 的用户增长放缓了

软餐获悉,Sensor Tower 的数据显示,短视频应用程序 TikTok 的用户数量仍在增长,但其增速已经减慢。目前 TikTok 拥有 14 亿用户。2022 年同比增长仍为 12%,2023 年为 3%。有分析人士认为增速放缓与 TikTok 用户对该应用内购物的不满有关,但没有相关证据。

Data from Sensor Tower indicates that the user base of the short video application TikTok is still growing, but at a slower pace. Currently, TikTok has 1.4 billion users. The year-on-year growth rate in 2022 is still 12%, while it is projected to be 3% in 2023. Some analysts speculate that the slowdown in growth is related to user dissatisfaction with in-app purchases on TikTok, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

TikTok 的用户增长放缓了


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