软餐获悉,瑞士加密邮箱开发商 Proton 近日声称,微软的新版 Outlook 应用程序正在与 770 多个广告合作伙伴进行通信。 Proton 称,新版 Outlook for Windows 应用程序会向欧盟用户弹出一个用户协议弹窗,其中提到微软公司会与 772 个第三方共享用户的数据。只有欧盟用户能看到这个弹窗,因为欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)强制要求 Web 服务通知用户有关数据收集和 Cookie 的信息。弹出的协议允许这些实体执行展示、衡量个性化广告和内容、在用户设备上存储和/或访问信息、获取精确的地理位置数据、通过设备扫描识别用户等操作。 Proton 还表示,Microsoft Outlook 从用户处会收集多种数据,包括姓名和联系方式、密码、人口统计数据、付款数据、订阅和许可数据等等。
Swiss encrypted email provider Proton has recently claimed that Microsoft’s new version of the Outlook application is communicating with over 770 advertising partners. Proton states that the new Outlook for Windows application displays a user agreement pop-up to European Union (EU) users, mentioning that Microsoft will share user data with 772 third-party entities. Only EU users can see this pop-up as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates web services to inform users about data collection and cookies. The displayed agreement allows these entities to perform activities such as displaying, measuring personalized ads and content, storing and/or accessing information on user devices, obtaining precise geolocation data, and identifying users through device scanning. Proton indicates that Microsoft Outlook collects various data from users, including names and contact information, passwords, demographic data, payment data, subscription and licensing data, and more.