软餐获悉,有传闻说,三星将效仿谷歌,为其新一代安卓旗舰智能手机 Galaxy S24 手机上提供为期 7 年的更新和升级。这意味着 S24 手机将在 2031 年初之前一直获得支持。去年,谷歌也宣布为 Pixel 8 和 Pixel 8 Pro 提供 7 年的更新支持服务。目前,荷兰的 Fairphone 是提供支持时间最长的手机制造商。虽然 Fairphone 5 仅提供 5 年的操作系统升级,但提供了长达 8 至 10 年的安全更新。此外,营销材料还提到三星将在 2025 年之前免费提供所有 AI 功能。这似乎表明该制造商在此后可能会收费某些功能。三星将在本周晚些时候发布其 Galaxy S24 手机。
Rumors suggest that Samsung is planning to follow in Google’s footsteps by providing seven years of updates and upgrades for its upcoming flagship Android smartphone, the Galaxy S24. This means that the S24 phones will be supported until early 2031. Last year, Google also announced seven years of system update support for Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro. Currently, the Dutch manufacturer Fairphone holds the record for the longest support period. While Fairphone 5 offers only five years of operating system upgrades, it provides security updates for a remarkable eight to ten years.Additionally, marketing materials indicate that Samsung will offer all AI features for free until 2025. This suggests that the manufacturer may consider charging for certain features after that time. Samsung is set to unveil its Galaxy S24 smartphones later this week. Numerous details, including renders and specifications of the devices, have already been leaked.