谷歌正砍掉 Google Assistant 的多个功能

软餐获悉,谷歌正在砍掉数字助理 Google Assistant 的部分功能。其中包括 Android 搜索栏中的麦克风将不再打开 Google Assistant,而是转到 Google 搜索结果页面。谷歌说这些功能的使用率较低,它希望专注真正有用的功能。此外,谷歌还将删除其他多个功能。例如将无法再通过 Google Assistant 在社交媒体上发布帖子或进行预订;Google Assistant 也无法再提供有关联系人的信息;智能音箱上的秒表操作也不再可用,但定时器仍然可以使用。此外,无法再使用语音向 Google 家庭群组发送信息。

Google is cutting off some features of its digital assistant, Google Assistant. This includes the microphone in the Android search bar no longer opening Google Assistant but leading to Google search results instead. Google states that these features have low usage rates and it wants to focus on truly useful functionalities. Additionally, Google will be removing several other features. For example, it will no longer be possible to post on social media or make reservations through Google Assistant. Google Assistant will also no longer provide information about contacts, and stopwatch functionality on smart speakers will no longer be available, although timers will still be usable. Furthermore, sending messages to a Google Family Group using voice commands will no longer be possible.



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