
本周四,微软股价大涨,使其短暂成为美国市值最高的公司,不过随后苹果又夺回了这一地位。如果以收盘价为衡量标准,那么自 2021 年 11 月以来苹果公司一直都是美国市值最高的公司。微软股价周四上涨 0.5%,市值达到 2.86 万亿美元。苹果公司则下跌 0.3%,市值略高于微软。据道琼斯市场数据 (Dow Jones Market Data),自 2019 年 2 月 4 日以来,“股市之王” 这一桂冠不是属于苹果就是属于微软。亚马逊是除苹果公司和微软之外唯一一家在过去十年中夺取过市值桂冠的美国公司。这家在线零售商 2019 年曾登上这一宝座并维持了 13 个交易日。

On Thursday of this week, Microsoft experienced a significant surge in its stock price, briefly making it the highest-valued company in the United States. However, Apple reclaimed this position shortly after. If measured by closing prices, Apple has been the highest-valued company in the United States since November 2021. Microsoft’s stock price rose by 0.5% on Thursday, pushing its market value to $2.86 trillion. Meanwhile, Apple’s stock price declined by 0.3% but remained slightly higher in market value compared to Microsoft. According to Dow Jones Market Data, since February 4, 2019, the title of “stock market king” has belonged either to Apple or Microsoft. Amazon is the only other U.S. company apart from Apple and Microsoft to have held the title of highest-valued company in the past decade. The online retailer briefly claimed the throne in 2019 and maintained it for 13 trading days.



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