软餐获悉,苹果向欧盟辩称其经营着 5 个不同的应用商店,而非 1 个。每个应用商店都是为 iPhone 、 iPad 、 Mac 、 Apple Watch 和 Apple TV 设计的。换句话说,它声称适用于 iOS 、 iPadOS 、 macOS 、 Apple Watch 和 Apple TV 的 App Store 都是独立的。然而,这一论点被认为是一种试图逃避法律限制的举措。欧盟《数字市场法案》(DMA)于 2022 年 5 月通过,允许反垄断监管机构指定大型科技公司作为看门人。这些看门人必须遵守一些严格的规则,以确保竞争对手产品之间的公平竞争。这包括需要允许欧盟用户侧载应用程序等。
Apple argues to the European Union that it operates five distinct app stores, rather than one. Each app store is designed for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV respectively. In other words, it claims that the App Store for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Apple Watch, and Apple TV are all separate entities. However, this argument is seen as an attempt to evade legal restrictions. The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) was passed in May 2022, allowing antitrust regulators to designate large tech companies as gatekeepers. These gatekeepers must adhere to strict rules to ensure fair competition among competing products. This includes the requirement to allow side-loading of applications for EU users.