两步验证软件 Authy 将停止维护桌面客户端

软餐获悉,双因素身份验证 (2FA) 工具 Authy 将停止支持其桌面客户端。其 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 版本都将于 2024 年 8 月停止维护。该工具的开发商 Twilio 公司建议用户切换到移动应用程序,也可切换到 Secrets 和 Keepass 等替代产品。值得注意的是,Authy 的 iOS 应用程序仍可在搭载 M1 或 M2 处理器的 Mac 上运行。Twilio 解释说,停止支持这些应用程序是为了 “整合我们的重点”。该公司希望更多关注现有产品。过去几年中,Twilio 曾多次裁员。该公司周一还宣布将进行高层人员的变动,包括公司和董事会。

Authentication tool Authy, which provides two-factor authentication (2FA), will no longer support its desktop client. The Windows, macOS, and Linux versions will cease to receive support in August 2024. The developer of the tool, Twilio, recommends users to switch to the mobile application or consider alternative products like Secrets and Keepass. It’s worth noting that Authy’s iOS application will still be compatible with Macs powered by M1 or M2 processors. Twilio explains that the decision to discontinue support for these applications is aimed at “streamlining our focus” and directing more attention to existing products. In recent years, Twilio has undergone multiple rounds of layoffs. On Monday, the company also announced upcoming changes in its senior management and board of directors.



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