软餐获悉,针对《华尔街日报》近日一篇有关特斯拉和 SpaceX 高管担心马斯克使用非法药物的报道,马斯克在 X(Twitter)上直言 “《华尔街日报》是垃圾” 。马斯克发布了多个帖子,称他在三年的随机药物检测中没有出现过药检呈阳性的情况。 “甚至没有发现过任何微量的毒品或酒精。” 《华尔街日报》早前的这篇报道称,知情人士说马斯克使用过 LSD 致幻剂、可卡因、摇头丸和迷幻蘑菇。马斯克在另一个帖子中称 “不管我正在做什么,我显然应该继续做下去!”
据悉,使用非法药物可能有违联邦政策,可能危及 SpaceX 数以十亿美元计的政府合同。使用非法药物也会违反 SpaceX 和特斯拉的公司政策。
In response to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal expressing concerns from Tesla and SpaceX executives about Elon Musk’s alleged use of illegal drugs, Musk bluntly stated on Twitter, “The Wall Street Journal is garbage.” Musk posted multiple tweets stating that he has never had a positive drug test result in three years of random drug testing. He added, “Not even trace amounts of drugs or alcohol.” The earlier article from The Wall Street Journal cited anonymous sources claiming that Musk has used LSD, cocaine, MDMA, and magic mushrooms. In another post on a different platform, Musk stated, “Whatever I’m doing, I should evidently continue!”
It is reported that the use of illegal drugs may violate federal policies and potentially jeopardize government contracts worth billions of dollars for SpaceX. It would also be a violation of the company policies of SpaceX and Tesla to use illegal drugs.