社交媒体 Threads 终于支持按时间排序搜索结果

软餐获悉,Meta 拥有的社交媒体应用程序 Threads 终于允许用户按时间倒序查看搜索结果。这意味着你可以先浏览最新的帖子,然后再看显示旧帖子。不过目前该功能仅适用于 iOS 版本。要使用该功能,用户需要将 Threads 应用程序更新到最新版本。去年底时,Instagram 负责人 Adam Mosseri 曾拒绝了用户有关该功能的建议,当时他称这是为了防止机器人向搜索结果页面发送垃圾消息。

The social media application Threads, owned by Meta, has finally allowed users to view search results in reverse chronological order. This means that users can browse the latest posts first and then view older ones. However, this feature is currently only available on the iOS version of the app. To use this feature, users need to update the Threads application to the latest version. Last year, Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, rejected users’ suggestions for this feature, stating that it was to prevent bots from sending spam messages to the search results page.

社交媒体Threads 终于支持按时间排序搜索结果


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