SpaceX 发射了第一颗用于直连手机的星链卫星

软餐获悉,新的一年,SpaceX 仍在谱写它的雄心壮志——当地时间周三,SpaceX 发射了第一颗用于直连手机服务(Direct-to-Cell)的 Starlink 卫星。借助该服务,Starlink 卫星网络将可直接在智能手机上使用。按照最初公布的计划,该服务在 2024 年将首先支持短信功能,2025 年将支持互联网和语音服务,以及适用于支持 LTE 的物联网设备。据悉,第一批卫星于周三用猎鹰 9 号火箭发射升空。它总共涉及六颗卫星,可以直接连接到 4G 智能手机。马斯克(Elon Musk)在社交媒体上写道,Direct-to-Cell 的连接仍然相对有限,每波束为 7Mbit/s。这意味着该服务主要用于没有移动覆盖的地方,因此不会与传统的 4G 网络竞争。目前,Starlink 将仅使用 Direct-to-Cell 进行测试,SpaceX 正在与美国运营商 T-Mobile 合作完成该工作。Starlink 于 12 月中旬获得了美国电信管理局 FCC 的许可,可以测试 Direct-to-Cell。

Starlink Direct-to-Cell 将于今年晚些时候正式上市。SpaceX 正在与 T-Mobile 的美国分公司合作,此外还有日本、新西兰、澳大利亚、瑞士和加拿大的运营商。

In the new year, SpaceX continues to pursue its ambitious goals. On Wednesday, local time, SpaceX launched the first Starlink satellite for its Direct-to-Cell service. With this service, the Starlink satellite network will be directly accessible on smartphones. According to the initial plans, the service will initially support messaging in 2024, internet and voice services in 2025, and will be compatible with LTE-based Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It is reported that the first batch of satellites was launched into orbit on Wednesday using a Falcon 9 rocket. It involves a total of six satellites that can directly connect to 4G smartphones. Elon Musk mentioned on social media that the Direct-to-Cell connection is still relatively limited, with a throughput of 7 Mbit/s per beam. This means that the service will mainly be used in areas without mobile coverage and will not compete with traditional 4G networks. Currently, Starlink will only use Direct-to-Cell for testing and SpaceX is working with US carrier T-Mobile to complete this task. Starlink obtained permission from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in mid-December to test Direct-to-Cell.

Starlink Direct-to-Cell is expected to be officially available later this year. SpaceX is partnering with T-Mobile in the US, as well as operators in Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, and Canada.



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