苹果或在 1 月 26 日发布 Vision Pro 智能头显

软餐获悉,未经证实的传闻称,苹果可能会在 2024 年 1 月 26 日发布其 Vision Pro 混合现实智能头显设备。苹果此前曾表示将在 “2024 年初” 推出该产品。该设备将仅在美国推出,之后将登陆更多国家。据悉,该发布日期源于 “与苹果有联系” 的中国消息人士。Vision Pro 的售价将为 3,499 美元。

Unconfirmed rumors suggest that Apple may release its Vision Pro mixed reality smart headset device on January 26, 2024. Apple previously stated that it would launch the product in “early 2024.” The device will initially be available only in the United States before expanding to more countries. The reported release date comes from a Chinese source claimed to have connections with Apple. The Vision Pro is expected to be priced at $3,499.

苹果或在1 月 26 日发布Vision Pro 智能头显


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