Facebook 移动应用允许查询访问过的链接

软餐获悉,Facebook 现在可在其 Android 和 iOS 应用程序中追踪和检索用户点击的链接。这在此之前是不可能的。美国的 Facebook 用户周二首次获得了一个弹窗,可以开启或关闭这项功能。开启后,用户将可以回溯 30 天内访问的链接。此前 Facebook 在其应用程序内的浏览器中注入 JavaScript 以进行跟踪。


Facebook can now track and retrieve the links that users click on within its Android and iOS applications. This was previously not possible. U.S. Facebook users were presented with a pop-up window on Tuesday, allowing them to enable or disable this feature. Once enabled, users will be able to trace the links they visited within the past 30 days. Previously, Facebook injected JavaScript into its in-app browser for tracking purposes.

It is unclear when this improvement will take effect globally.



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