亚马逊流媒体 Amazon Prime Video 将开始展示广告

软餐获悉,亚马逊发给 Prime 订户的邮件显示,亚马逊将从 2024 年 1 月 29 日开始在流媒体 Amazon Prime Video 上投放广告。同时,亚马逊 Prime 会员可以每月额外支付 2.99 美元来免除这些广告。亚马逊解释说,广告有助于该公司持续 “投资于引人入胜的内容”。同时承诺其广告数量会比其他流媒体服务商 “少得多”。Amazon Prime 的订阅价格保持不变,仍为每月 14.99 美元或每年 139 美元。新政策在 1 月 29 日才生效,Amazon Prime 会员可以在此之前 “预购” 新的无广告版本的 Prime Video,而无需每月支付额外的 2.99 美元。

An email sent by Amazon to Prime subscribers reveals that Amazon will start displaying advertisements on its video streaming service from January 29, 2024. At the same time, Amazon Prime members will have the option to pay an additional $2.99 per month for an ad-free experience. Amazon explains that the ads will help the company continue to “invest in engaging content” and promises that the number of ads will be “significantly fewer” compared to other streaming service providers. The subscription price for Amazon Prime remains unchanged at $14.99 per month or $139 per year.

The new policy will take effect after January 29, and Amazon Prime members have the option to “pre-order” the new ad-free version of Prime Video before that date without the need to pay the additional $2.99 per month.

亚马逊流媒体Amazon Prime Video将开始展示广告


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