相比 Netflix,美国儿童用户更青睐 YouTube

据华尔街日报,相比 Netflix,美国的儿童互联网用户似乎更青睐 YouTube。尼尔森 (Nielsen) 的数据显示,今年 9 月,Netflix 在美国 2 至 11 岁流媒体观众中的市场占有率从两年前的 25% 降至 21%,而同期 YouTube 的市场占有率从 29.4% 升至 33%。各大流媒体服务公司正试着在 YouTube 上发布儿童内容,但同时也在缩减对儿童内容的投资。知情人士说,虽然 Netflix 长期以来都在 YouTube 上设有儿童频道,如 Netflix After School,但一直不愿将儿童原创节目的完整剧集放到该平台上,因为担心会蚕食自己的受众,但情况最近正发生改变,在 Netflix 上播出的一些儿童影视节目正发布到 YouTube。娱乐公司们还发现,年轻人越来越喜欢看短片,而不是长篇节目。

Compared to Netflix, YouTube appears to be more favored by child internet users in the United States. According to Nielsen data, in September of this year, Netflix’s market share among streaming viewers aged 2 to 11 dropped from 25% two years ago to 21%, while YouTube’s market share increased from 29.4% to 33% during the same period. Major streaming service companies are attempting to publish children’s content on YouTube while simultaneously reducing their investments in children’s content. Sources say that although Netflix has long had a children’s channel on YouTube, such as Netflix After School, it has been reluctant to release full episodes of original children’s shows on the platform for fear of cannibalizing its own audience. However, the situation has recently changed, with some children’s TV shows aired on Netflix now being released on YouTube. Entertainment companies have also found that young people increasingly prefer watching short videos rather than long-form programs.



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