荷兰决定将.gov.nl 用作政府网站统一域名

软餐获悉,荷兰政府已决定将.gov.nl 作为该国政府网站的统一官方域名。统一的域名后缀将更易被访客识别。即将卸任的内阁将首先对此进行实施测试,以厘清改用新域名后的财务和组织后果。目前尚不清楚新域名的启用时间。荷兰内阁将扩大政府域名的注册。

The Dutch government has decided to adopt “.gov.nl” as the unified official domain name for its government websites. The standardized domain suffix will make it easier for visitors to identify them. The outgoing cabinet will first conduct a pilot implementation to assess the financial and organizational implications of switching to the new domain name. The exact timeline for the activation of the new domain name is currently unknown. The Dutch cabinet will expand the registration of government domain names.

荷兰决定将.gov.nl 用作政府网站统一域名


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