微软豪掷 7600 万美元置地建数据中心

软餐获悉,微软最近在威斯康星州豪掷 7600 万美元,购置了一块南瓜农场所在的 407 英亩的土地。微软将斥资 10 亿美元在这里建造一个数据中心。该地块属于威斯康星州芒特普莱森特的克鲁齐格家族,以巨人南瓜农场之地和一个 9 英亩的玉米迷宫而闻名。该家族曾在 2017 年拒绝了当地政府对该地块的出价,当时的出价仅是微软的三分之一,当时这块地计划卖给富士康用于建厂。除了该地块,微软还购买了当地拥有的 641 英亩相邻土地。微软最终在这些交易上花费了近 1 亿美元。

Microsoft recently made a hefty investment of $76 million in Wisconsin, acquiring 407 acres of land that includes a pumpkin farm. Microsoft plans to build a data center on this site, with an estimated cost of $1 billion. The land, owned by the Creuziger family of Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, is renowned for its Giant Pumpkin Farm and a 9-acre corn maze. In 2017, the family turned down a local government offer for the land, which was only a third of what Microsoft eventually offered. At that time, the plan was to sell the land to Foxconn for a manufacturing plant. Along with the Creuziger family’s parcel, Microsoft also purchased an additional 641 adjacent acres of land from the local area. The total expenditure for these transactions by Microsoft amounted to nearly $100 million.



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