iOS 版 Gmail 允许一键取消群发邮件订阅


软餐获悉,谷歌最近为 Gmail for iOS 客户端推出了一个 “取消订阅/Unsubscribe” 按钮,可以一键取消群发的电子邮件订阅,例如各类促销邮件。该按钮位于位于电子邮件顶部的发件人姓名旁边。谷歌发布的帮助文档显示Gmail安卓版也将很快获得该功能。除了手动选项外,Gmail 还会偶尔发送一些提示,提醒用户取消订阅平日很少阅读的发件人。在 iOS 上,可进入“设置”>“收件箱自定义”>“收件箱提示”>“取消订阅提示” 来启用或禁用此功能。

Google recently launched an “Unsubscribe” button for the Gmail for iOS client, which allows users to easily unsubscribe from mass email subscriptions, such as various promotional emails. The button is located next to the sender’s name at the top of the email. Google’s help documentation indicates that this feature will soon be available in the Android version of Gmail as well. In addition to manual options, Gmail also occasionally sends reminders to users to unsubscribe from senders they rarely read on weekdays. On iOS, you can enable or disable this feature by going to “Settings” > “Inbox customization” > “Inbox tips” > “Unsubscribe prompts”.



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