软餐获悉,美国鞋服巨头 VF Corporation 日前遭遇网络攻击。 VF Corporation 是 Vans 、 The North Face 、 Supreme 和 Timberland 等多个知名鞋服品牌的母公司。该公司警告说,网络攻击可能会影响圣诞假日订单的履行。该公司于 12 月 13 日首次注意到其 IT 系统中存在 “未经授权的事件” 。黑客可能已经加密了 IT 系统,公司数据和个人数据已被窃取。目前尚不清楚具体涉及多少数据以及哪些数据。 VF Corp. 没有透露黑客是否索要赎金。这些品牌的实体店仍在继续营业,但估计其运营已受到影响。
US footwear and apparel giant VF Corporation recently suffered a cyber attack. VF Corporation is the parent company of well-known footwear and apparel brands such as Vans, The North Face, Supreme, and Timberland. The company warned that the cyber attack could impact the fulfillment of Christmas holiday orders. Personal data may also have been stolen. The company first noticed “unauthorized activity” in its IT system on December 13th. Hackers may have encrypted the IT system, and both company data and personal data have been stolen. It is currently unclear how much data or which specific data has been affected. VF Corp. has not disclosed whether the hackers demanded a ransom. Physical stores of these brands are still operating, but their operations are expected to be impacted.