[清单] 2023 第三季度全球 5G 网速最快地区公布

[清单] 2023第三季度全球5G网速最快地区公布

软餐获悉,Ookla 发布的报告称,上个季度全球 5G 下载速度的中位数为 203.04Mbps。这比去年同期高出 20%。当时全球中位数为 168.7Mbps。此外,上个季度全球 5G 上传速度的中位数为 18.93Mbps。这与 2022 年第三季度时的速率中位数(18.71Mbps)几乎相同。报告称,10 个国家/地区的 5G 下载速度中位数最高:阿拉伯联合酋长国以 592.01Mbps 的峰值居首,其次是韩国(507.59Mbps)、马来西亚、卡塔尔、巴西、多米尼加共和国、科威特、澳门、新加坡和印度。

Ookla 还指出,在全球范围内,“承诺的千兆级别” 5G 速度尚未实现。这是因为大多数 5G 网络仍然依赖底层的 4G 基础设施。

According to a report released by Ookla, the median global 5G download speed in the previous quarter was 203.04Mbps. This is a 20% increase compared to the same period last year when the global median was 168.7Mbps. Additionally, the median global 5G upload speed in the previous quarter was 18.93Mbps, which is almost identical to the rate median (18.71Mbps) in Q3 of 2022. The report states that among ten countries/regions, United Arab Emirates had the highest median download speed at 592.01Mbps, followed by South Korea (507.59Mbps), Malaysia, Qatar, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Macau, Singapore and India.

Ookla also points out that globally “promised gigabit-level” speeds for 5G have not been achieved yet because most of the 5G networks still rely on underlying infrastructure of 4G networks.

[清单] 2023第三季度全球5G网速最快地区公布


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