微软计划 2026 年推出下一代 Xbox 游戏机

软餐获悉,油管频道 RedGamingTech 声称,微软计划在 2026 年推出其下一代 Xbox 游戏机。该游戏机将搭载 Zen5 处理器和 RDNA5 显卡。微软希望以此对标索尼即将发布的 PlayStation 5 Pro。为了对抗索尼 PlayStation 5 Pro,微软大幅修改了 Xbox 的路线图。PlayStation 5 Pro 预计将于 2024 年 9 月上市。此外,微软还计划推出一款价格低廉的流媒体设备,该设备将使用 xCloud 技术,它将提供给对下一代 Xbox 游戏机不感兴趣的消费者。

YouTube channel host RedGamingTech claims that Microsoft plans to release its next-generation Xbox game console in 2026. The console will be equipped with Zen5 processors and RDNA5 graphics cards. Microsoft hopes to compete with Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 5 Pro. In order to counter Sony’s PlayStation 5 Pro, Microsoft has made significant changes to the Xbox roadmap. The PlayStation 5 Pro is expected to be released in September 2024. Additionally, Microsoft also plans to launch an affordable streaming device that will use xCloud technology, which will cater to consumers who are not interested in the next-generation Xbox game console.



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