《微软模拟飞行》新增 5 个欧洲城市画面


软餐获悉,Flight Simulator(微软模拟飞行)发布了 2023 年的最后一次免费内容更新,新增了 5 个欧洲城市的高保真画面。包括海牙(荷兰)、布鲁塞尔(比利时)、科希策(斯洛伐克)、萨格勒布(克罗地亚)和加的斯(西班牙)。每个城市都使用最新的地理信息和 TIN(三角不规则网络)表面建模技术以最高视觉保真度进行制作。此外,该游戏新增了一架塞斯纳 T207A Turbo Stationair 单引擎飞机,这是史上最知名的小型通用飞机之一,该机型在游戏内市场售价 14.99 美元,有几种型号和涂装供选择。

Flight Simulator (Microsoft Flight Simulator) has released its final free content update for 2023, adding high-fidelity visuals of five European cities. These cities include The Hague (Netherlands), Brussels (Belgium), Košice (Slovakia), Zagreb (Croatia), and Cadiz (Spain). Each city is created using the latest geographical information and TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) surface modeling technology for the highest visual fidelity. Additionally, the game has added a Cessna T207A Turbo Stationair single-engine aircraft, which is one of the most well-known small general aviation planes in history. This aircraft model is available in the in-game marketplace for $14.99 USD, with several models and liveries to choose from.

Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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