迫于监管压力,Adobe 终止收购 Figma

软餐获悉,Adobe 与 Figma 两家公司宣布终止他们的合并。两家公司都认为,没有明确的途径获得欧盟委员会和英国竞争与市场管理局(CMA)的监管批准。此前 Adobe 收购 Figma 的计划遭到了欧盟的反对,后者认为收购将减少交互式产品设计软件行业的竞争和创新,将 Figma 从市场上移除可能导致 Adobe 获得垄断地位。两家公司对监管机构的调查结果感到失望。

Adobe and Figma have announced the termination of their merger. Both companies believe that there is no clear path to obtaining regulatory approval from the European Commission and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the UK. Previously, Adobe’s acquisition plan for Figma was opposed by the European Union, which believed that the acquisition would reduce competition and innovation in the interactive product design software industry, and removing Figma from the market could lead to Adobe gaining a monopoly position. Both companies are disappointed with the results of regulatory investigations.



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