软餐获悉,索尼公司宣布,自 2024 年 2 月开始,由于设备存在 “技术限制”,视频流媒体 Netflix 应用程序将停止支持 2011 年至 2013 年间发布的多款索尼设备。这些设备包括 HX 系列、 EX 系列和 W 系列电视以及不同型号的蓝光播放器。这些设备上的 Netflix 可继续运行到 2024 年 2 月。此后,Netflix 将不再提供支持,并且无法再继续使用。索尼在其支持页面上列出了即将停止支持的设备清单。索尼称,客户仍可以通过其他方法继续观看 Netflix,例如使用 Chromecast 或者通过电视和笔记本电脑之间连接一个 HDMI 线缆。
Sony Corporation announced that starting from February 2024, the video streaming Netflix application will be discontinued on several Sony devices released between 2011 and 2013 due to “technical limitations”. These devices include the HX series, EX series, and W series televisions, as well as various models of Blu-ray players. Netflix can continue to run on these devices until February 2024. Afterward, Netflix will no longer provide support and cannot be used anymore. Sony has listed the list of devices that will soon stop receiving support on its support page. Sony stated that customers can still watch Netflix through other methods such as using Chromecast or connecting a HDMI cable between their TV and laptop.