微软捣毁越南网络犯罪集团 “Storm-1152”

软餐获悉,微软宣布正在追捕一个被其标记为 “Storm-1152” 的越南网络犯罪集团,微软称该集团是世界上销售欺诈性 Microsoft 帐户的第一大集团——Storm-1152 运行非法网站和社交媒体页面,出售欺诈性的 Microsoft 帐户和工具,以绕过知名技术平台上的身份验证软件。Storm-1152 创建了 7.5 亿个欺诈账户,为该组织创造了数百万美元的收入。这些服务减少了犯罪分子在网上进行大量犯罪和虐待行为所需的时间和精力。微软于 12 月 7 日收到纽约南区的法院命令,允许其关闭由 Storm-1152 运营的网站及其社媒账户,并没收其使用的美国基础设施。Storm-1152 的幕后操纵者都在越南。

Microsoft announced that it is pursuing a Vietnamese cybercrime group identified as “Storm-1152”. Microsoft claims that this group is the world’s largest distributor of fraudulent Microsoft accounts. Storm-1152 operates illegal websites and social media pages, selling fraudulent Microsoft accounts and tools to bypass authentication software on well-known technology platforms. Storm-1152 has created 750 million fraudulent accounts, generating millions of dollars in revenue for the organization. These services reduce the time and effort required for criminals to engage in large-scale online crimes and abuses. On December 7th, Microsoft received a court order from the Southern District of New York allowing them to shut down websites operated by Storm-1152 and seize their use of US infrastructure. The masterminds behind Storm-1152 are located in Vietnam.

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