
软餐获悉,欧洲议会通过了一份报告,呼吁欧盟委员会制定一项法律,以禁止应用程序中视频的无限滚动和自动播放,进而对抗智能手机成瘾问题。该报告在投票环节获得 545 票赞成、12 票反对。其余 61 名国会议员投了弃权票。除了禁止鼓励成瘾的设计元素外,议员们还希望建立一种不被打扰的权利。例如,默认情况下,应关闭来自应用的通知。还应该发起宣传活动,以鼓励更安全、更健康的上网习惯,例如设置屏幕时间、对令人上瘾的应用程序使用自动锁定,以及以灰度而不是颜色显示界面。欧盟委员会希望研究欧洲消费者的数字版权是否应该最早在明年更新,并将考虑议会通过的报告。该报告是在 GroenLinks 的荷兰欧洲议会议员 Kim van Sparrentak 的领导下编写的。多年来,应用程序的成瘾效应一直是人们关注的焦点。

The European Parliament has passed a report calling on the European Commission to develop legislation to ban infinite scrolling and autoplay of videos in applications, in order to combat smartphone addiction. The report received 545 votes in favor and 12 votes against during the voting process. The remaining 61 members of parliament abstained from voting. In addition to prohibiting addictive design elements, lawmakers also hope to establish a right to be undisturbed. For example, notifications from apps should be turned off by default. Promotional activities should also be initiated to encourage safer and healthier internet habits, such as setting screen time limits, automatically locking addictive applications, and displaying interfaces in grayscale instead of color. The European Commission hopes to study whether digital copyrights for European consumers should be updated as early as next year and will consider the report passed by parliament. The report was written under the leadership of Kim van Sparrentak, a Dutch Member of the European Parliament for GroenLinks party. Over the years, the addictive effects of applications have been a focus of concern for people.



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