负责 iPhone 和 Watch 产品设计的高管将离职

据彭博社,负责 iPhone 和 Apple Watch 产品设计的苹果公司高管 Tang Tan 将在负责该公司最关键产品线的部门进行改组之际离职。Tan 的上司是硬件工程高级副总裁 John Ternus,该部门正在重组职责以应对过渡。本周早些时候消息称,曾参与 iPhone 多触屏、Touch ID 和 Face ID 等关键技术研发的 Steve Hotelling 将从苹果退休。

Tang Tan, an Apple executive responsible for the design of iPhone and Apple Watch products, will be leaving the company amid a restructuring of the department overseeing its most critical product lines. Tan’s superior is John Ternus, the Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering, and the department is undergoing reorganization to adapt to the transition. Earlier this week, it was reported that Steve Hotelling, who had been involved in the development of key technologies such as multi-touch for the iPhone, Touch ID, and Face ID, will be retiring from Apple.



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