腾讯再被大股东 Prosus 减持 51.35 万股

软餐获悉,据华尔街日报,监管文件显示,腾讯大股东、南非 Naspers 集团荷兰子公司 Prosus 继续实施回购计划,于 12 月 7 日出售了 51.35 万股腾讯普通股,使其对腾讯的持股比例降至 24.99%。

According to The Wall Street Journal, regulatory filings reveal that Prosus, a Dutch subsidiary of South African company Naspers and a major shareholder of Tencent, has continued its buyback plan. On December 7th, Prosus sold 513,500 ordinary shares of Tencent, reducing its ownership stake in Tencent to 24.99%.



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