Telegram 付费订户数突破 400 万

软餐获悉,Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 刚刚发文称,其付费订阅计划 Telegram Premium 的订户已突破 400 万。他声称该计划已成为通讯应用历史上增长最快的付费订阅服务。在短短 5 个月内,付费用户数量翻了一番,在过去 12 个月中更是增长了四倍。刚刚过去的 11 月,Telegram 发布了版本更新,推出了多项新功能。

Telegram founder Pavel Durov just announced that the number of subscribers to their paid subscription plan, Telegram Premium, has exceeded 4 million users. He claims that this plan has become the fastest-growing paid subscription service in the history of communication applications. In just 5 months, the number of paid users doubled and it has grown fourfold in the past 12 months. In November, Telegram released a version update and introduced several new features.



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