知名开源应用开发商 Simple Mobile Tools 已被收购

知名开源应用开发商 Simple Mobile Tools 已被收购

软餐获悉,开源应用程序开发商 Simple Mobile Tools 已被以色列公司 ZipoApps 收购。Simple Mobile Tools 以开发种类众多的开源应用程序(包括联系人、拨号器、计算器、文件管理器、图库等)著称,其应用程序的总下载量超过 7000 万次。目前 Simple Mobile Tools 旗下应用程序的客服邮箱已改为 ZipoApps 的电子邮件地址。此外,参与该项目的开发者 Naveen Singh 已经创建了一个名为 Fossify 的分支。

Open source application developer Simple Mobile Tools has been acquired by Israeli company ZipoApps. Simple Mobile Tools is known for developing a wide range of open source applications, including contacts, dialer, calculator, file manager, gallery, etc., with a total download count of over 70 million times. Currently, the customer service email address for Simple Mobile Tools’ applications has been changed to ZipoApps’ email address. In addition, developer Naveen Singh who was involved in the project has created a branch called Fossify.

知名开源应用开发商 Simple Mobile Tools 已被收购


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