游戏直播服务 Twitch 将退出韩国

软餐获悉,亚马逊旗下游戏直播服务 Twitch 宣布将于 2024 年 2 月 27 日停止在韩国运营。其首席执行官 Dan Clancy 表示,做出这一决定是因为在该国运营 Twitch 的成本极高。Twitch 在韩国运营多年都是亏损的,因为该国的网络费用比世界其他地区高出 10 倍。该公司曾尝试多种方法来降低成本,例如使用 P2P 技术来提高片源质量,甚至将流的分辨率降低到 720p,但收效甚微。韩国是全球最大的视频游戏市场之一,退出该市场让 Twitch“深感悲痛”。

Amazon’s game streaming service Twitch announced that it will cease operations in South Korea on February 27, 2024. CEO Dan Clancy stated that this decision was made due to the extremely high operating costs in the country. Twitch has been running at a loss in South Korea for many years because the internet fees are ten times higher than other regions worldwide. The company had tried various methods to reduce costs, such as using P2P technology to improve video quality and even lowering the stream resolution to 720p, but with little success. South Korea is one of the largest video game markets globally, and withdrawing from this market has left Twitch “deeply saddened.”

游戏直播服务 Twitch 将退出韩国


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