
周四公布的一份报告显示,截至 9 月份的三个月内,印度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长 7.6%,高于经济学家的预期,而这一数字也大大高于印度储备银行 6.5% 的预测。此前第一财季(4-6 月)的 GDP 为 7.8%。上季度的经济增长主要来自于制造业和建筑业的增长,而背后的一大原因是印度大选前政府投资的增加。

对此,巴克莱和花旗集团给出最新预测,在截至明年 3 月的 2023-2024 财年内,印度经济将增长 6.7%,高于此前两家分别预测的 6.3% 和 6.2%。华尔街大行摩根士丹利也将印度 2024 财年的 GDP 增长预测从 6.4% 上调至 6.9%

A report released on Thursday showed that India’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 7.6% year-on-year in the three months ending in September, exceeding economists’ expectations and significantly higher than the Reserve Bank of India’s forecast of 6.5%. The GDP for the previous first quarter (April-June) was 7.8%. The growth in the last quarter was mainly driven by manufacturing and construction, with a major reason being increased government investment before the Indian general elections.

In response to this, Barclays and Citigroup have provided their latest forecasts, predicting that India’s economy will grow by 6.7% during the fiscal year 2023-2024 ending in March, higher than their previous predictions of 6.3% and 6.2%, respectively. In addition, Wall Street bank Morgan Stanley has raised its GDP growth forecast for India’s fiscal year 2024 from 6.4% to 6.9%.



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