蒙大拿州对 TikTok 的禁令被暂时撤销

软餐获悉,当地时间 11 月 30 日,蒙大拿地区联邦地区法院米苏拉分院法官唐纳德·莫洛伊周四发出初步禁止令,暂时禁止蒙大拿州实施针对 TikTok 的禁令,理由是其可能违反了美国宪法第一修正案,侵犯了用户的言论自由权。根据禁止令文件,在此案的最终裁决结果出台之前,蒙大拿州针对 TikTok 的禁令不得生效。

今年 2 月,蒙大拿州议会提出在全州范围内禁止 TikTok 的法案。该法案于 4 月在蒙大拿州议会两院通过,并于 5 月由该州州长签署成为法律。蒙大拿州针对 TikTok 的禁令原定于 2024 年 1 月 1 日起生效。TikTok 于 5 月在蒙大拿地区联邦地区法院米苏拉分院提起诉讼,要求法官发布禁止令以阻止禁令实施,称禁令违反了美国宪法第一修正案赋予公司和用户的言论自由权。

On November 30th, local time, Judge Donald Molloy of the Federal District Court for the District of Montana issued a preliminary injunction temporarily prohibiting the implementation of the ban on TikTok in Montana. The reason is that it may violate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and infringe upon users’ freedom of speech. According to the injunction document, until a final ruling is made in this case, the ban on TikTok in Montana will not take effect.

In February of this year, the Montana State Legislature proposed a bill to ban TikTok statewide. The bill was passed by both houses of the Montana State Legislature in April and signed into law by the governor in May. The ban on TikTok in Montana was originally scheduled to take effect on January 1st, 2024. In May, TikTok filed a lawsuit against this ban at the Missoula Division of the Federal District Court for Montana, requesting that a judge issue an injunction to prevent its implementation, claiming that it violates their freedom of speech granted by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.



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