拼多多旗下电商 Temu 买下「超级碗」30 秒广告

软餐获悉,知情人士透露,拼多多拥有的电商平台 Temu 已承诺在明年 2 月 11 日举行的超级碗(Super Bowl)比赛期间购买多个广告单元,这是 Temu 第二年在该赛事中投放广告。超级碗是广播电视领域最昂贵的广告时段。据广告买家透露,第 58 届超级碗期间 30 秒广告时间的价格从大约 600 万美元到最高 720 万美元不等。超级碗将在哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 播出。Insider Intelligence 高级分析师 Sky Canaves 说,Temu 现在是美国访问量第四大的零售网站,仅次于亚马逊 (Amazon)、沃尔玛 (Walmart) 和 eBay。

Insiders revealed that Pinduoduo’s e-commerce platform, Temu, has committed to purchasing multiple advertising units during the Super Bowl on February 11th next year. This will be Temu’s second year advertising in this event. The Super Bowl is the most expensive advertising time slot in the broadcast television industry. According to ad buyers, prices for a 30-second ad during the 58th Super Bowl range from approximately $6 million to a maximum of $7.2 million. The Super Bowl will be aired by Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). Sky Canaves, Senior Analyst at Insider Intelligence, stated that Temu is currently the fourth largest retail website in terms of traffic in the United States, following Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.



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